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Athletic Swimsuits


The Athletic Swim ShortsNEW technology of athletic swimsuit designs are cutting edge and breaking records. Swimsuit manufacturers have made their latest move to create a water-shedding super suit with cap and goggles, launching a three-piece ensemble. The new technology is based on three parts working together, from the cap down to the knees, not just the suit itself.

The new system’s cap is designed using three-dimensional head mapping to fit head and face exactly. The goggles allow a swimmer to see the lane beside him or her a little more clearly. They are leak-resistant, have an improved outer profile and offer 180-degree peripheral vision. The suit has compression fabric to stop muscle vibration, flexible fabric in the shoulders to offer high stretch and a flat-seamed body stability web which makes for a 3-per-cent improvement in starts and turns, the maker says. Men’s swim shorts – or jammers – have no drawstring, making for a flatter fit; and women’s suits have a unique armhole entry system.

It’s the latest bid to advance the battle of sport technology past the now-banned polyurethane suits that came out before the 2008 Olympics. Those inflexible suits – which could take 45 minutes and a helping hand to get into – made the body buoyant and created a flurry of records. It was not something swimming’s governing body, FINA, wanted to see when the record book was rewritten more than 40 times at the Beijing Games in 2008 and at the 2009 world championships in Rome. The high-tech suit was banned and engineers went back to the drawing board. With polyurethane suits, the idea was to find a loophole in the regulations and gain an advantage – a technological kind of doping. It rendered the record book and historic performances meaningless.

The new technology claims that this system will produce an 11-per-cent improvement in oxygen economy and reduced drag, which will help a distance swimmer cut through the water stronger for longer periods.

Athletic swimsuits do not all have to be geared to win an Olympics competition, some of us just like to play some volleyball or surf without our tops flying off. World Swimwear have some great athletic trendy swimsuits starting under $50.00.